Which gang is bigger pussys.? Rocco ur not going 2 do shit but snitch and get someone locked up u pussy.cant fight worth a licc.and the AB told me 2 tell u 2 come on home diccs been mighty dry sense u left. Hes A CONVICTED CHILDMOLESTER Im glad you think its that easy sir. Youll get it real good and Ill be sure to rip a whole big enough to shove me and the homies dicks in at once. I do not understand why you would want to live this lifestyle of being bullied, pushed around because you are a dork, knowing there is only two outcomes to that life and that is either death or prison. You still are an embarrassment to our race which cannot be deniedperiod! Not when I get done whipping you so you can hear that Cracker SOUND when it hits your flesh in the same way your Nigger Ancestors were whipped when they misbehaved. come to Bochum 44892 and the GWKs (German White Kings) make dog food out of you!! Name one Neighborhood That is 100% Black, not 10% or 20% or 30% or even 50%, I mean 100% Black that is NOT A SHITHOLE of some sort. BITCH I DIDNT LEAVE NONE OF THIS FEB 1ST SHITT!! The fact that I happen to like Hispanics better than Blacks is also MY OPINION and stop WHINING AND CRYING about it. LMAO. Also, WHY ARENT YOU BLACK PEOPLE MAD WITH THE BLACK ON BLACK VIOLENCE THAT TAKES PLACE EVERY GOD DAMN DAY IN OUR CITIES??????????????????? 3). SUPREME TEAM, leader THE UNITED BLOOD NATION AFFILIATE ALMIGHTY BLACK (P)STONE Marina. I WAS ASSIGNED to this Site. ONCE AGAIN RICHARD YOUR INTELLIGENCE SUCKS ASS I DIDNT LEAVE THAT COMMENT I COULD CARE LESS IF YOU REMEMBER ME BITCH..I TOLD YOU WHERE TO MEET ME SCARY BITCH.. YEAP THE WHITE HOUSE ON THE 500 BLOCK OFF WILMINGTON STILL WAITING! So again if you dont hear from me tonight Ill respond in the morning cause I have a lot to say. I work with a number of african americans who say racism is alive and well and i counter no its not you cant be too sensitive. You really are stupid! Marina Look up the factual statistics by the Government. really does hurt your feelings,and shows how inseCure you really are.NoCody asked you if you have ever Ceen Called the word (hONKEY!!!!!!) A LOT OF PEOPLE involved in putting these people in Jail that go to Court ARE NOT NECCESSARILY COPS. Are you jealous of Mexicans? LOL YOU DIDNT TELL THAT LONG ASS LIE ON PURPOSE FUCKBOY YOU JUST GOTT CAUGHT IN A FUCKING LIE..LMAO.. WS BPT.TTP.500, What happened to the Almighty Black P. Stone Nation? Then you say you wont say your name cause you may have warrants and then you say Ill be at Sharkys tonight ask for stomper. The Crips and the Folk Nation, a rival street gang, had been engaged in a deadly feud over territory in Brooklyn for years. I dont care what you look like, I do my job with the utmost integrity. The fact that the word Nigger bothers you so much shows the tremendous power of the word. Black Drug dealers and Most Sports Figures are all still Niggers. Rocco. ROCCO THE RAT( MOUSE. I dont need to explain ANYTHING ELSE. And recently, he and NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea have arrested 34 alleged gang members under the suspicion of trading nu. So I can assure you that my comments arent a fraud at all! I been coolin wit $xm3 Grxxvez now Im trynna kicc it wit some treyz w3$t up. Youre the Nigger who was too afraid to fight me one on one where I told you to meet me. CALIFORNIA REGISTERED SEX OFFENDER, LAST KNOW ADDRESS REGISTERED YOUR A SNITCH AND A SCARY ASS CRACKER AND U MAKE ALL OTHER CRACKER LOOK LIKE PUSSY BITCHESSYOUR PROBABLY A VIRGIN THAT DONT GET PLAY BECAUSE IF THIS IS YOUR JOB NO GIRLS WHATS A WHITE CRACKER THAT GETS THERE PLEASURES OFF BLACK GANGSTER MEN..LOL YOUR A FAGGOT JUST ADMIT IT.. Then come to where I told you ARMED and Ill put a Hole right through your Nigger Nappy Head. I dont have the time to list all of them. Wow! Sgt Marina i understand and i get where your coming from. Police also tried to pressure Pop Smoke into providing information on 823 Crips, GS9, and other Brooklyn street gangs, but Pop refused to talk. whats cracc loc this is yg murda loc 823 g-stone offical wit mines naw mean but other locs wanna trade knowledge holla at my cell 206 600 2644 ladies 2 c-40 c-safe . so punCh a m8v3n in the lip and make him or her say that Im a bitCh and admit that I am a Ca rip.bK,pK,fK,hK,dvbK,kCbK,v l 13K,esl 13K,nsl 13K,wsl 13K,trgK,abzK,ttp,slp,mob diruK,double m gang K,insanesK. You can be whatever you want to be You just have to LMAO. YEAH RIGHT MF LMAO ANONYMOUS with the green/white design YEAH FUCKN RIGHT!!! THE BITCH ASS WHITE BOY AND HIS IMAGINARY FRIEND LMAO LOL! 1). Although I do not agree so much with the racial remarks that you make, in a weird way you are absolutely correct. (You might have a clue about this possibility) OR Which, makes this the oldest feud between crip on crip, in the history of gangs. Then, nobody has to dodge any bullets. WHITE CUNT FUCK U PUNKCO. You sound like some jealous a high school girl. Ive known a lot of people in my day. LMAO. LOL. This is outrageous and will not be tolerated. You do not scare anyone, your words are of the lowest intelligence that I have seen. L, This is hecka funny all this shit talking back and forth real gangstas bang the hood not their status another false claimer with no get back other than poop chicken triple og is more like white boy getting dogged and mother dismissed as well, whats cracking cuz im saying who got the hood for 8tray now c-cuz these connecticut niggaz aint bangin left, Damn! G. And og. some sets go homie. We all know you dont take anyone to court, you never put a single person in jail ENOUGH OF THE LIES! PLEASE U DONT BOTHER ME AT ALL HUNKY I ACTUALLY LIKE U I LIKE TALKING SHIT ABOUT U AND U RESPONDING BACK LIKE A DUMB LOW LIFE WHIMP THAT U R.IF U EVER COME OUT IN PUBLIC ILL TAKE U SERIOUSLY BUT U WILL NEVER DO THAT BECAUSE UR A WHITE SCARY BITCH AND U NO BLACKS R KINGS OF THE JUNGLE A CONVICTED CHILDMOLESTER! NHPK NHK GSMK, Fuck tragniew park and brother this Tree Top Bompton Pirus, WS TRAGNIEW PARK COMPTON CRIPS 159 PARK STARZ SLOB KILLA BK PK ALL DAY. Now, do you get it? If you went near ANY Police station and pulled out a gun, you would be so fucking scared that not only would you shit in your Nigger pants, but you would also shoot yourself in your leg. You CIVIL RIGHTS VILOATEING Yellow ASS COWARD! YOUR CHILDMOLESTERING RACIST. Or black and brown. Im going to have some other people check your I.P. And Ricco pussy lips why do u keep avoiding the fact that ur a failure and he have to keep coming here! A MURDERER! My man he has a good point. LMAO. You already know the end result of what your doing!! The Eight Tray Crips are allies of most gangs, who fall under theGangster Cripsumbrella. By you coming on here and running your mouth like that can get you in some serious trouble! Everybody is saying since he's been locked up in Rikers Island, the Bloods made him flip back Blood. !,you honestly Couldnt look any worse than you already do you Honkey!!!!! YOUR PAGES SGT MURDERER! However, all three officers survived with non-life threateninginjuries. You probably wanted to be the cool kid and was told NO! I HAVE NOTHING 2 WORRY ABOUT YOUR THE ONE THAT CANT COME OUT ..BUT IF U DO U WOULDNT SAY YOUR NAME IS ROCCOLOL SO TRUE SO TRUE I HOPE MY BROTHERS SAVE SOME FOR ME.U WHIMP, You walk the streets with two more eyes that grew out of the back of your head to see which Nigger is coming to kill you. Hey stupid Ricco pussy lips I never said rape or incest or ur mom dumb ass! But there is just 2 things, cause you really didnt address my question. And finally DONALD TRUMP WILL NEVER BE PRESIDENT!! he may be a pig of sum sort or maybe not, who care. AT COMPTON, CITY POLICE STATION Whkxp54dfup we5t 5ide nigga slime to I die Haiti gang the fuckin mod and long live 44 billy. For whatever reason, they are now beefing with the Folks and are GDK. Login It is very unmanly. and the Black cops from the Gang Unit there is a Psychological Advantage to talking to criminals a certain way to get info from them. Gloss Gang aka Brower Boys are basically Bergen Family's big homies. FUCK ALL PIGS whitePIGS.. BLACKpigs..mexicanPIGS.. FUCK ALL COPS.. Please except my apology. See the CRACKER. I do not care if you are black, or white, or pink, or purple or polka dot, my job is to enforce laws on street terrorism. And he isnt even a gang member. ITS ALL ABOUT TOSTITOS BITCH!! HA! the more I insult them, the more they KEEP TALKING. I get paid for it. Sorry, but those are the cold hard facts of reality. I think you need to chill out little sister. What would you know about living in a warzone? !,pussy,and a old ass loser and why do you Care how I start off eaCh Comment,I will Continue to start off eaCh Comment with tha words fuCC,and lets talk aCout you foe a seCond and how you Cant never make a Comment witout inCluding the words nigger and witout always trying to switCh tha subjeCt of me fighting you unto how you are always trying to make me fight another blaCC person whether it C a Crip,bKlood,dxrKu etC.you always trying to talk aCout how either the different Crip gangs hate me or how the bKloods or dxrKus hate me whiCh is Cool CeCause I hate many of the Crip,bKlood,and dxrKu gang out here too so the hatred is mutual and who gives a fuCC if someCody likes them or me or not someCody has always Ceen hated eaCh other sinCe the beginning of time.Honkey people have always hated us CeCause we look Cetter than yall do,we danCe better than y@ll do,we sing better than y@ll do,we rap better than y@ll do you,90% of us run faster than y@ll do like my boy Jesse Owens we he beat the german nazis in germany to show hitler that blaCC men are not lower than Honkey Colored men oops I meant to say (boys) we Can play basketball better than you do,we Can play football better than y@ll do,we have mor rhythm than y@ll do so we Can fuCC y@ll pale Colored women better than y@ll do so I C why you are jealous and hateful of us now,we got melantonin in our skin so we dont get skin CanCer foe do going into the sun and doing some normal like that and sinCe y@ll dont have any melantonin in y@ll skin y@ll burn up faster than fuCCin vampires.And Im not hated among the different Crips who know me the Crips who know me personally like me Cuz.Now if any Crips know you personally they should you more than they hate me sinCe you are a raCists to all blaCC people and Called us the word nigger.And yeah I do speak foe all the many many Crip sets out there I am the self appointed spokesman and roCCo dumb ass the word appointed has 2 ps in it like the way I spelled it not wit 1 p like you spelled it I guess your not as smart as you think you trying to talk tough and big blow hard honkey.And no blaCC guy is going to put a fuCCing hole in my head but a blaCC man is going to put a hole through your snitChing Honkey head and yeah us Crips,bKloods,dxrKus,snK20v3rKs,and dKonKutKs etC. GET EM GEORGE ROCCO AKA CHARLIE CHESTER YOU WANT THAT MAN TO MEET YOU BEFORE OR AFTER YOU REGISTER However i do think people can change, but for most of these gangsters the problem is that they REFUSE TO CHANGE!! Have a nice day. green07070. where were these FRAUD ass comments from these FRAUD ass folks MONTHS AGO??? Slow it down a bit no one cares about Huntington beach! Tiniest homie. Every body take care and be good. You say you are not a gang member? KEEP IT MOVING! Come to the Huntington peir and ask a local about crazo, or gladiator, or boxer, or who peni death squad is and THEN ask them if we hang motherfuckers, shut you right the fuck up guy. Dude ENOUGH WITH THE PERIODS!!! Lol.incest thats u cracker raping only if u let me u faggot.so swallow this dicc and shut up u dumb hunky. Mexicans have a far better FAMILY STRUCTURE and WORK ETHIC and are not as violent as Niggers. The only time they REALLY understand is when that other Nigger has a gun pointed at them and is about to pull the trigger to end their life. I can name a number of areas in the country but whats the pointyou wouldnt believe me or anyone else for that matter!! Its spelled baiting, not bating you Dumb Nigger. You are just full of Shit. Dont have to read that shit. Categories. Some of roccos Dick. So he started to show me some of your posts and they are very racist! My wife is a black woman, and she is the most amazing person to walk this earth. But in my line of work, if I wanted to argue and fight with everybody and anybody who has ever called me a spic, or wop, or wetback, or fob, then I would be arguing and fighting every day. If you do not feel youre a Nigger, then dont let it bother you. I could see if this suburban tough sorry ass said come to Compton or L.A. then that would hold some weight!! knowledge. LOL. Then i come on this site for the first time and i come across your comments. The Canarsie-raised rapper real name Bashar Jackson was first grilled by an NYPD gang unit detective when he was arrested in December 2019 for possessing a stolen $375,000 Rolls Royce . I think the "c" in Blicky is x'd out because they beef heavily with Crips. He never bad mouths any gangs on the Asian or the Samoan sites. Youre just a Dumb Ignorant Nigger who doesnt have a Clue as to why this Site was set up in the first place and you have a HUGE INFERIORITY COMPLEX to be upset about anything written on here. I KNOW your 4 blocks from them. Is that all you fucking stupid Niggers can talk about is this bullshit illusion about your dick? I have really been considering joining a gang but I dont know if I wanna be a crip or blood yet. Who cares if you went to Louisville, Doesnt have anything to do with me. The Crip alliance originated in the City of Los Angeles, California. So get over that whole idea, your dreaming! Anything I do will be in self defense after you throw the first punch. I HEAR YALL DIRTY COPS GOT a LOT MONEY Ricco pussy lips like illegals and Bernie Sanders! A two-year-long investigation titled Operation Boxed In looked into the violence between these two rival criminal organizations beginning February 1, 2018, and ending with the indictment on January 28, 2020, by the LCPDs Broker North Gang Squad and the District Attorneys Violent Criminal Enterprises Bureau. Perris Loc Crip cool wit deez niggas wat out there in The City from The Valley. TO BLAME. His Wife looks like a Baboon and is a phony Nigger like him. .. Wait Why the fuck do they look so happy? Give your mother back her phone, finish eating your milk and cookies and go back to watching tony hawk videos so you can learn to ride that skateboard while wearing that cool helmet!! As a black man that grew up in a crip gang neighborhood if me and a number of my friends can resist the gang life you all could have. Is that all you Niggers think about every God Damn Day 24/7?? GOD SAYS SO. go on the Post Office website, The Post Office wont hire any of these Niggers because they cant read or write. As I have told rocco, although I do not agree with his unorthodox views on black Asian Mexican or European American, my job solely is to catch bad guys. The Eight-Trays made headlineswhen five of their members was found guilty of murdering two innocent teenage girls, over a bad drug transaction. Youre a Dumb Asshole Ghetto Nigger who doesnt work for ANY UNION. They are like roaches! Its ashame you just dont see it! And that is because I looked over the shoulder of my nephew and I seen him on here. They originated from the Original West Side Crips, led by Stanley Williams (Tookie), in the early 1970s. Their neighborhood spread from Gage Ave to 79th Street, between Western Ave and Vermont Ave. Shut up blonde. Apparently, he used to be Crip before he flipped GD. If you dont believe it, I dont fucking care. This is a common problem. Again I do wish he would use a different word, but making someone mad throws them off and they ramble on. This story (if true) represents maybe 5% (on the high end) of all Blacks in America. And will LEARN HOW TO SPELL, YOU DUMB IGNORANT ANIMAL. If anybody from any of those areas wants to meet up with and jump me into their set then please DM. Now, go make that fucking Video of yourself so all the other Crips can see who their Leader is on the streets. Go ahead and make the Video you fucking Coward OR come over to that address and fight me. I always admired them and thought wow they really paved the way for a lot of our people today . How do you know the size of my dick, you faggot? Do you honestly think I care if you like Hispanics more than us?!? They can also make the same choice. ROCCO DID THEY TAKE YOUR MAN HOOD U FUCKEN FAGGOT "Any conversation with Pop about cooperation was a very short one," the rapper's lawyerPeter Frankel said. Or. Build and start your own schools and businesses and come of those federal Crimes that are causing you life to get life sentences. you lil,ms.girl,Honkey!!!!! Broth as started saying that long ago and tbh we really dont say that anymore. I got on this site strictly out of curiosity and to be honest, it bothers me seeing these gangsters smiling in these pictures. Now you post being Anonymous? So, apparently, he's Blood again. rocco wishes niggers didnt exist just like almost everyone else except dumb assholes like you who married one of them. The Applicants are 2.5% and NOT ALL OF THOSE APPLICANTS BECOME DOCTORS. My kind of fellas. You talk so tough behind that keyboard hiding in your bedroom with the door closed! In the Watts district of Los Angeles, there are four gangs under the Mafia . Those guys in the picture can change their lives as well and become a great leader in our society. HA! And if were really being honest ALL GANG MEMBERS AND RACIST ARE COWARDS!! MEMBERS - POP SMOKE DAYDAY DREAD NAR WOO TDOT QUELLY WOO DANNY WOO NAPPY BLUE TREY WOO TAYY FLOSS. My Black People Must Rise! The G-Stones settled a truce with mostBloods in their turf to go against the6 Tre Outlaw Gangster Disciplesin Beachwood and are allies to Zoe Pound, most notably H-Mob. .WHATS YOUR REAL NAME & TAKE THE 30 2 THE BODY LIKE A REAL SNITCH THAT YOU R Much respect to you, Sir. The only real tough guy on this whole site is a guy on this page named Thomas Jones! should I Continue.????? That can mean a lot of different things. But after reading your story and really thinking about itI SINCERELY APOLOGIZE TO YOU!! Also, learn how to spell words and write coherent sentences. well then making the YouTube video I Commanded you make is no lesser of a Challenge than my Challenge to fight me stop trying to talk your way out of looking bad you already look bad foe both not aCCepting my Challenge and then publiCly admitting your way to sCared to make a YouTube stop trying to hide behind all of your smoke and mirror lies bitCh!!!!! Thanks for telling me how you feel. A couple of Black Guys are REALLY UPSET because I use the word Nigger a lot on these different web pages. My reply : she never went to private. First off Rocco i would never defend any gang member and im white and proud of it. Because if you did, you would know that the MAJORITY of blacks are not criminals, and are making something of themselves, and do make an honest days living! Not a good situation. It is adjacent to the East Schofield, Outlook, Beachwood, Firefly Island, and East Liberty City neighborhoods. Jose Marina says that Rocco is not in law enforcement and there is no documentation anywhere proving that he is. Now I do believe Marina is tied to cops/ law enforcement somehow. 80+3 and that glizzy xn me cuz! All those kids that sat in the back seat of my car making all that noise while I was driving are doctors and lawyers today. I get to go home everynight and usually the ones calling me such names are the ones Im putting in the back of a black and white. The reason 2605 is GDK now is because NiikoSuav was stabbed by a GD in jail and another Bergen guy was robbed by a GD. And Rocco, that man wasnt a dumb nigger who was murdered by the police in the car. WAS ONE THE WITH THE THREATS LOL. This isnt a Site about St. Marys Church. Dude, just because you watched cop or played GTA for a week does not make you law enforcement on any level. Actually fuck it I need a weapon in front while another weapon is behind me and all the other weapons are spraying me with their weapon juices. Me, using the word Nigger is WORSE than Blacks killing other Blacks in the Ghetto according to some of you stupid Niggers that are on this Site. Maybe I would have a problem. Our editorial content is not influenced by any commissions we receive. AYE DWAYNE lil home NOW YOU SAYING YOU LIED ON PURPOSE.. LMAO LOL LETT ITT GO BITCH.. You never went near Van Nuys so Shut The Fuck Up you Bullshitting Nigger. You need an entima, I bet your breath smells like pure monkey shit!!!! You lied on purpose about going to that address because you are too scared to fight me. The mustang convertible cobra or Mercedes !!! THE (HOLY KORAN) SAY SO Has been banned from this site. So thats cool. Who was shooting at rivals, missed, and killed a child. 092MLBOA is the block he grew up with, 823 G Stone Crip is the whole gang he repped. Sissy killaz cuzzz always 3 times Xriginal W/S 83 GAXGSTARS! And if you dont get it together thats all you will ever be!!!! New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Everyone use to ask me what private school did your daughter attend, they were all shock when I told them my daughter never went to private. I have been called names on here also. I dont really like gangsters either cause they are destroying our community and feeding people like you. So I asked him, why are you on that site. Just like i said u r a faggot.u write like a faggot and pitch a fit like a faggot.just like your faggot ass dad u B.I.T.C.H lmao, And Youre a Nigger Faggot just I said. Dread NAR WOO TDOT QUELLY WOO DANNY WOO NAPPY BLUE TREY WOO TAYY.! That Rocco is not in law enforcement somehow here and running your mouth like that can get you some! Strictly out of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... My nephew and I come on this site `` c '' in Blicky is x out. Anything I do will be in self defense after you throw the first time and I get where coming... Dog food out of curiosity and to be Crip before he flipped GD us! 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Suspicion of trading nu, your words are of the LIES, sir GOT on site!