Is this normal? I myself remember basically nothing about the experience and during the first 2 weeks in the hospital I apparently became confused did not know where. My CABG (quad bypass) was last August 2016 and although I have healed, there have been set backs. Most of my life I have always felt like the toughest man to walk the earth. Hi Andy, Last May 2018 I went in for mitral valve repair. I have 2 children mid 30s and 4 grandkids that I want to see grow up. The device tells your care provider how the heart is beating while you do your daily activities. CAT scan revealed vertebral basilar insufficiency but medical opinions are mixed. I am scared, especially the pounding & discomfort in my chest. Sue from Australia, on my 5 months post opsingle bypass with lima..i feel greatsometimes feel tired after a day of activity including work and drivingleft shoulder pain and upper back fatigueincision discomfort especially when poisturing my bodygenerally i feel finei am 56 yrs old and very happy to be alive and kicking.hpw are you there especially those 3 years up now?have a nice day, Ive also. Nice of em, huh?! Scar in chest very sensitive to touch and sensitive when tee shirt rubs against the scar, harvest leg still gets numb around the ankle. Avoid processed foods. Hair loss, a side effect of hysterectomy, we may see when there is heavy bleeding or prolonged pressure on the scalp during surgery. Its tough when your brain and WILL tells us were still 33 by our Drivers License says 63 I didnt feel it before the OHS, now I do, even with the new rehab/ Gym regimen lifestyle. It is amazing. I am 4 months post OHS for aortic valve replacement and 1 bypass. __________________________________________________, (1) Tos P, Crosio A, Pugliese P, Adani R, Toia F, Artiaco S. Painful scar neuropathy: principles of diagnosis and treatment. I have been out of the hospital for almost five months now and I can relate to every other comment above: pain, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, medicine, side effects, etc. Stay safe and well , no, I dont think its normal; my husband turned into a totally different person; ended up not coming home to me; took my granddaughter, all kinds of horrible things but your story is the first Ive heard of this with anybody else; if youve found info online about it Id love to know where btw, he is back now but still no granddaughter. My recommendation: listen to your heart because its usually right and go seek out another doctor. If you have, please reach out to me. Former professional athlete and still very active Non smoker, proper weight, etc., was ambushed by heredity. 2018 Mar;53(3):158-166. doi:10.1097/RLI.0000000000000422. I wish you all the best in your recovery! It is also called "pump head.". All the above cited problems. An abscess under your nipple or areola can cause pain, redness, and heat. Thats what I was told by a prior cardiologist & the emergency room in a hospital 2 days before my emergency surgery! I am six months 12 days out. Must say I fell very good physically. In most cases, numbness lasts for only a day or two after surgery. Ive never smoked, never been overweight, eat healthfully, have low cholesterol, and drink in moderation. And no appetite..if you didnt eat or sleep (all the tests and vitals they have to keep doing ) that would surely make you grumpy too..god bless you. I am walking 25-30 miles per week, but I still get out of breath a lot, especially going up stairs. I am 11 weeks out of OHS. Of course sex has been off the table ever since. Location. Jan 3, 2012. He told me what the operation would involve, and that he would replace the aortic valve with a mechanical one, and he would also replace the aorta. Some days I nap for an hour or two after my 7AM Meds, some days Ill doze when watching TV in the evenings, some days no naps. I made notes and called my PC physician and though she ordered a battery of test, I only got a basic EKG and was told at the end of my visit that during the EKG my heart stopped twice thats why they had to do the test twice but the second test my heart did not stop. Pace-maker implanted when I was 50 ( am now 72) after a virus caused pericarditis. the wound on my leg is taking for ever to get better its very sensitive and sore, i do not have chest pains just numbness which is ok. wishing all the best and keep healthy. My quad bypass was done in September 2014 after successful stunting in 2002 decided to block. See over 200 patient comments. Am hoping another cpl good nights rest will alleviate that.. Did a little walking today bit didnt come close to the past week of 1-1/2 lie a day My mind is telling g me, this is just a minor setbackand things will once again improve. Evaluation of retraction time as a predictor of postoperative motor dysfunction after minimally invasive transpsoas interbody fusion at L4-L5. Thank you for sharing your story. In 1982, spent 7 days in hospital having Heart related tests , sent home with a prescription for Valium and no answers. A real wake up very lucky, now on tablets 3 times daily. While it was not easy, his recovery initially went very well. Im a 62 year old male 5 weeks post quad bypass. Take a medication to remove excess fluid if needed. "Chest wall pain after cardiac surgery may normally last 3-6 weeks, but may last as long as 12 weeks on rare occasions," says Dr. Michael Fiocco, Chief of Open Heart Surgery at Union Memorial Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland, one of the nation's top 50 heart hospitals. Plast Aesthet Res. This community is sponsored by WomenHeart, an Inspire trusted partner. Im 49 years old and have had 3 open heart surgeries 30 Xanthoma sugeries and now own over 50 cardiac, renal and peripheral stents. There will be good days and bad days. I went back to work 2 weeks ago. Hi. At 39 years old, I never thought I would be dealing with this. Sternotomy Surgery. My stitches will come off on Monday, and so far, I am very happy with my progress. She has experience in primary care and hospital medicine. I just received a concerned email from Sean about nerve damage after heart surgery. My feet and ankles and legs swell. I had no clue I had a heart problem until I had the classic symptoms one night, called 911 and 1 day later had a quadruple bypass. What to expect after heart surgery the socIety of thoracIc surgeons Bright red stool chest pain (angina-like) similar to pre-op chills or fever coughing up bright red blood . I also have familial high triglycerides and have had 2 stents since 2014. Unfortunately there is no cure and it resolves itself, but mine is back again after lifting bags of Xmas shopping. If you have a leg incision, you may have swelling. 10 weeks in hospital overall. I am happy for your recovery. Ive been dealing with this since I was 7. Not anything excruciating, and goes away right away. Out again after another five days. Im 8 weeks post op, so it seems this is going to take a while. While I am exercising 5-6 days a week, can keep up with 20 year olds on the basketball court and can steal bases in my baseball league, routine breathing is still a daily challenge. Tomorrow i go for my first mammorgram since my open heart surgery. Now, slowly move your arms out to the side at shoulder height, then back and down in front. The repair wasnt as good as they hoped I was told. Many symptoms including difficulty sleeping, dizzy if I stand up too fast, high HR, and irregular heart beats. Its nice to know there are other people that I can read about with similar issues. Sleep is still somewhat of an issue, because of rib and shoulder discomfort. Should I continue with my relatively good quality of life as long as Im able and live (or die) with the consequences OR do the bypass with a real consequence being a material diminuition in my quality of life.? Wed like to know other seniors (70+) experience, which I cannot seem to find via online research. My breasts hurt all the time. Somewhere between my knee and upper calf they exposed the nerve. You can walk outside or indoors at your local mall or shopping center. I found a whole series of shoulder and arm exercises on medcircle dot com, which look achievable, and my physio is giving me very painful deep single finger massage of the affected areas (T2 T7). A lot of the pain and tightness comes when I try to roll over and sleep on my side. I have done remarkably well almost 2.5/weeks post op. Have my good days and bad days. I am an Eagle and Ranger scout in the B.S.A and used to enjoy rock climbing, hiking, kiteboarding, snowboarding and such. Handb Clin Neurol. It does get better but it takes time. I hope this one goes away. Thoughts? My PCP said it could be nerve damage from removing, the vein used in the by-pass. As I write this ( 5/13/2019 at 7:30 pm) I just this morning had a CT scan of my Aorta and have an apointment with my surgeon tomorrow. Had a quadruple bypass in January.In the hospital for 6 days but could have gone home after 4. 8 weeks after surgery I could drive, but turning the wheel caused some soreness in the chest and seat belt was uncomfortable going over the surgery scar on chest. Thanks Nicky. They are now altering my tablets to see if that works. At this point . Has any one had a pain in the left breast? I treated the entire length of the nerve, starting in the low back using fluoroscopy guidance, then turning to ultrasound-guided injections to treat the sciatic nerve down to the tibial and peroneal branches in the leg and foot. Sensitivity and specificity of nerve palpation, monofilament testing and voluntary muscle testing in detecting peripheral nerve abnormality, using nerve conduction studies as gold standard; a study in 357 patients. Came home on 15th day, and while still hurting on scar and general rib area,and right shoulder, feel hopefull that before spring, Ill be back to normal. HBP. I had just had a complete physical and it showed up perfect. Since you were able to isolate the particular tendon, massage will definitely help. He finally called me through facebook video chat on the 3rd day, he texted me hi, on the first day. And will I be able to do exercise as normal when I recover? I have good and bad days, but considering how Im just short of 5 weeks removed from the surgery, I feel, based on my progress so far, that the good outweighs the bad. Have a few more weeks of cardio rehab. Cooking, which I loved, now is exhausting. Probably no one with heart problems has ever been so happy! And same remedy doesnt help the second time. Surgically induced neuropathic pain: understanding the perioperative process. 55 years old; MTHFR gene mutation and the double whammy of genetically high LPA. All content provided in this blog, website, or any linked materials, including text, graphics, images, patient profiles, outcomes, and information, are not intended and should not be considered or used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. I was extremely lucky, no real pain at all since the day before I was released from the Hospital, day 6 was the last day for any Painkillers (1 pill). Had surgery 12 october 5 weeks ago for aortic valve replacement using minimally invasive procedure using edwards intuity bovone valve. Going into my fourth month post Quad ByPass and Aorta repairs, rehab about to end and this month I feel to have hit the wall a bit. I went to my neighbours who offered to help, organised my funeral, someone to take my dog, clean my unit and give all my stuff to charity. Hi all. This site complies with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information. Other times I dont take sugar. Her grip strength went from negligible to normal. Its stories like yours that sound exactly like my days that give me the confidence. It definitely can take a LONG time to feel fully recovered. I am 59 and had a sextuple bypass 4 months ago. His 1st open heart surgery involved a valve replacement six years prior, which he fully recovered from. I found myself here today to look up how weather can effect this because its freezing in Colorado and the atmospheric pressure seems to alternate between a feeling of a bowling ball stuffed in my chest and the feeling of a bowling ball sized hole in my chest. This time mechanical and warfarin. Hello, I had OHS via thoracotomy couple of months ago. Some Pleural Effusion (L) Lung reappeared after the Surgery. Our doctors need to do more! The Cleveland Clinic defines numbness as "a loss of feeling or sensation in an area of the body." itchiness. I feel sourness in my chest and that has been scaring me. One gentleman said that they had a porcine valve installed and were concerned with having to replace it in the future The doctors can now repair the valve by introducing a valve in valve replacement without having to bust open your chest again (specifically for older folks) I will check back from time to time and let you know how my recovery goes. My dad is very concerned about my health, yet insensitive to my new moods. This only lasted a couple of weeks and am back to my usual happy self. 2009 Mar;80(1):34-50., (8) Emril DR, Zakaria I, Amrya M. Agreement Between High-Resolution Ultrasound and Electro-Physiological Examinations for Diagnosis of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in the Indonesian Population. All went well. I felt the rib/chest pain was getting better but about a week ago it felt worst and seems to feel tighter day by day. Im 59 and live in Western Australia on the 24.4.2020 I took myself to A and E with what I thought was a chest infection, it wasnt it was fluid around my heart, not had any symptoms always tried to do the right thing exercising and watching weight, never smoked hardly ever drink and here I was with an ejection fraction of 15%. It's very tempting to do things that we would normally do and add damage to the chest wall in those early months extending the chest wall damage out past a year. We meet three inspiring women who wear their scars with pride, and explain advances in minimising scars. All Rights Reserved. My partner in in the hospital as well. Feeling often returns in the months following surgery. My cardiologist says it's time to have something done. Im used to be very active and now Im pretty much limited to walking 3-4 miles daily. It is extremely difficult to explain the experience and Im sure everyone would be different. I hope to see if he can help me with my energy. I had my surgery done locally, but if I'm still tiring easily, and the pain and use of my right arm doesn't go away by my 1 year anniversary I will go. Finally, I get Afib and #2 puts me on higher bp rx and a statin. My hea, Deep buring pain after open heart surgery, CHEST PAIN NOT CARDIAC AFTER OPEN HEART SURGERY, constant fear, depression and pain after open heart, Mammo's after Open Heart Surgery for Mitral Valve, Feeling very alone in my open heart surgery journey, I am having my first mammogram after my open heart surgery. I was in another 12 days fighting the infection trying different antibiotics. mostly as a precaution. A cup of coffee ( with sugar) refreshes. I am 7 months post op from an aortic heart valve replacement & aortic root repair to address an aneurysm & I feel my body is not my own. Helpful to wear soft bra @ all times & still use pillow to splint @ night. As it stands many people are still afraid of such operations. How Rare is Finding a Romantic Relationship for Rare Patients? Paycewhat made you choose mechanical the second time around? Have others experienced similar issues. 5 months later, my chest still hurts and I have good and bad days. He means well, but it is difficult for now. Is wondering if anyone else has had Open Heart Surgery?? Ill keep reading. It is common for a larger percentage of patients to experience nipple numbness in the first few months after their surgery. I have acute pain in my right side just in line with my right Armpit. Im becoming really concerned. This is a very specialized MRI scan thats tuned to show the nerves (9). And i wish you all a great recovery in 2019..Darren from auckland newzealand. What you are going through is par for the course. Heres hoping that it passes soon. And shortly after pericarditis. Stay safe and Stay well. I said lets do surgery and replace the valve! For example, a severe cut on the lower leg could potentially cut through nerves. Read that dizziness is a consequence of open heart procedure. 26 days total in hospital for heart and kidney issues so its taken me a bit longer to recoup and get some strength back. They couldnt understand why my heart function was so poor, there were a couple of blockages but only at 60%, he said we cant see any other issue causing this so lets get the obvious fixed, I said ok and 6 weeks later I had a quadruple heart bypass, 5 days in hospital and I was home and that was including having a collapsed lung after surgery I had no pain only discomfort,8 weeks since op I feel really good, first 2-3 weeks I felt fragile and sleep wasnt the best, but no pain, I recently had an echocardiogram test and was told my heart was returning to normal function Its very daunting Paul I know but as my wife said its better get it done now while youre relatively fit rather than having it done as an emergency, yes reading the other posts I seem to have been quite fortunate with my recovery so far, I hope this helps you, take care Steve. i am still young and have a very young kid i wasnt the best for her and see that she has a progressive life. I do have Rheumatoid Arthritis and my joint pain has increased and effects my hips and legs the most at this time. I was unable to attend the Cardiac Class after surgery. Thanks ladies for your replies. , Hi Paula, I had my open heart surgery (double bypass) on 18 May at Harefield Hospital in Uxbridge. I hope you are progressing well and are feeling stronger each day. It's common after heart surgery to be sad or blue, but these feelings should pass after the first few weeks. I have had pain, numbness. Three weeks ago I was so sick (renal failure, angina and chest pain) I cancelled a legal action against a Hospital and got my deposit back from Solicitors trust account to pay for my funeral. If my pulse rate would behave that would be a bonus too. In this case, the area below the cut nerve could go numb. Men, nothing personal! Suddenly this March 2019, I had Shortness of breath and admitted in Hospital. Your blog was very helpful knowing I am not alone. I did not sleep a wink as the co.boned tightness of my chest and back pain intensified. Blessings! My PT & INR is in the same range and Im taking Acitrom 2mg (same like Walfarin). Seek out company of those who support you. Reading through these reminds me to think more about others than myself. Im sorry to hear of your constant pain. Just hope i do not have to wait 4 years for the wizzyness to clear up like a previous comment. I am 6 weeks post recovery from surgery, and like many of you, have my good days and bad days. This all is so depressing to me. He was 57 at the time and thats far too young to have your life become so changed. The most common is coronary artery bypass grafting, which . I find comfort in the 3 fs.Faith,friends, and family to get me through these dog days of post op Doctors told me I could go back to work 12 weeks after surgery so my mind will be more occupied and less negative thinking. 5 mos after surgery Im just starting to let myself sleep on my side still painful though your body will tell you when you can, Hi Michel I had a double bypass on April 9th. The cardiologist says my heart is fine. Was told that high risk stenting is a remote possibility, but triple bypass was recommended. I did have to laugh at the lady on the phone at their office.. His recovery initially went very well via online research i recover & quot ; pump head. & quot ; pain. Extremely difficult to explain the experience and im taking Acitrom 2mg ( like! Difficult to explain the experience and im taking Acitrom 2mg ( same like Walfarin ) ( am now )! Have gone home after 4 never thought i would be a bonus too 59! 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