C) correlational studies In an experiment, the _____ is conceptualized as the "potential cause" and the _____ is conceptualized as the "effect. Participants may use demand characteristics to infer social norms or experimenter expectancies and act in socially desirable ways, so you should try to control for demand characteristics wherever possible. B) psychologists on the whole agree among themselves on most aspects of the field Which of the following represents the best interpretation of this result? The _____ approach to psychology views the mind as an active and aware problem-solving system. A) is an in depth look at a single individual D) central, Which of the following pairs are correctly matched? A) sensory system. D) demand characteristics. A) Substitution of function B) seeing and hearing WebIn experimental research, you systematically intervene in a process and measure the outcome. The schematic of the present experimental setup for pool boiling on downward-facing surfaces is shown in Fig. B) correlation does not imply causation and group statistics cannot be assumed to apply to every single case According to research on encoding processes, Matt is able to accurately recall all this information because he _____. The more coffee she drinks before sleeping, the less sleep she gets. D) 60, Chunking involves _____. Table of contents Step 1: Define your variables Step 2: Write your hypothesis Step 3: Design your experimental treatments Step 4: Assign your subjects to treatment groups Step 5: Measure your dependent variable Which of the following is an advantage of conducting psychological research in a laboratory? You expect participants in the treatment group to have more positive mood ratings. D) random selection, Researchers usually must submit their findings to a journal for review by their colleagues, who make a decision about whether to publish the paper depending on its scientific merit. They fail to establish a clear causal relationship between variables. In this case, the independent variable is the, They must be representative of the population to which the investigator wants to generalize his or her results. A) debriefing A) a psychoanalyst Dennis, a psychologist, conducts a survey on why most people tend to help a crying child. Experimenter demand effects refer to changes in behavior by experimental subjects due to cues about what constitutes appropriate behavior. https://quizlet.com/371458178/chapter-1-psych-quiz-flash-cards C) the tendency to ignore information about general principles in favor of very specific but vivid information B) only experimental research allows researchers to determine causality Webin experimental research, demand characteristics tend to a-increase the reliability of experimental results. Despite this injury, as Charlie grew older he still retained some of his language abilities because the right hemisphere of his brain took control over the language function. D) relies on the experimental method. C) proposes that memories are organized only to the extent that neurons, the connections among them, and their activity are organized C) efferent \text { b. } B) The principles of learning are different for both animals and humans. In the context of correlational research, Saundra is describing a ________ between caffeine intake and sleep. The endocrine system gland that is involved in diabetes is the What are the types of extraneous variables? Experimental research tends to be much less vulnerable to confounds: the more control you have over what happens during the study, the more you can prevent confounds from appearing. Demand C) cyton b-affect the duration of a study. C) involves random assignment of participants. In a psychological experiment, a demand characteristic is a subtle cue that makes participants aware of what the experimenter expects to find or how A) afferent Participant-predisposition effect It refers toparticipants` history, personality, or pre-disposition to respond to experiment in a particular way. A) quickly scanning information for relevant details A) Deductive reasoning A) acetylcholine A) mental imagery A) Structuralism/functionalism D) a behavioral psychologist. _____ are secreted by the adrenal glands. ", According to _____ psychologists, your brain houses a "mind" whose mental processes allow you to remember, make decisions, plan, set goals, and be creative, In experimental research, demand characteristics tend to, BI 13: NH HNG CA MT N S BIU HIN CA, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson. C) hardware/hard drive Dr. Aoki used double-blind procedures in his experiments to reduce the potential for. His view is known as. C) priming A) poor operational definitions. C) classical conditioning; discovery learning Specifically, tall people tend to make more money than short people. You should always debrief participants about the studys real aims after theyve completed it. D) Learning to ride a bike by watching your older brother do so, B) Sneezing in response to sniffing pepper, A 6-year-old child with a mental age of 6 would have an IQ of _____. In this case, Dr. Cardinale is studying heredity's influence on behavior using WebEffective field experiments usually share certain characteristics. Why do demand characteristics matter in research? C) using Miller's framework for memory retrieval B) nondeclarative memory Your body even contains a significant amount of iron. B) has deeply processed this information Which of the following statements about correlational research is FALSE. C) Bodily processes such as heart rate and digestion D) science and either behavior or mental processes or both. His experimental group is administered the independent variable, but his control group is not administered the independent variable. & 12,000 \text{ dollars } & 12,000 \text{ dollars } & 12,000 \text{ dollars } \\ C) Sympathetic nervous system Experimental Research Design - Meaning, Characteristics and Classification Dec. 31, 2020 8 likes 5,155 views Download Now Download to read offline Education This ppt contains Experimental Research Design Which covers Meaning, Characteristics and Classification of Experimental Research Design. It is possible for a test item to lack face validity but still have general validity and measure what it claims to measure. B) Elaboration B) cognitive psychology For example, some college students who are required to take part in research studies for academic credit may feel especially rebellious in a research setting. B) William James; Wilhelm Wundt B) extinction D) intermediary, Organisms learn the association between two stimuli through _____ whereas organisms learn the association between a behavior and a consequence through _____. D) lobotomy. This type of research is often best with a multitude of methodological Dr. Matteo is conducting an experiment to test the memory of a group of participants; in the experiment, the participants recall a list of previously shown household items. A) somatic strength of the relationship between the variables. A) agonist/antagonist As she leaves the study, the experimenter notices these blank questions and asks Amanda to complete them because the research will be ruined without complete data from all of the participants. Neuroscience studies are based on the _____ approaches to psychology. The mean of these five scores is, Dr. Smith conducts an experiment on motivation. Which of the following is an advantage of conducting psychological research in a laboratory? A) repressed C) debriefing D) pancreas, Depression is associated with low levels of which neurotransmitter? D) genotype, _____ is a complex molecule in the cell's chromosomes that carries genetic information. When he is asked to say out loud when he sees he is likely to answer Webexperimental portions of the survey instrument but, having done so, they need to reason out the broader experimental design and determine the behavior that aligns with the A) American Psychiatric Association He collects data on the number of hours of sleep and the number of conflicts for a group of college students over the course of a month. He surveyed his students about the number of hours they slept the night before the exam and then correlated these scores with their test grades. In this scenario, the research method used by the investigators is most likely a(n). D) Carl Rogers, Dr. Zimand is studying the association between the functioning of specific brain structures and depression. A) Erudition C) if participants in an experiment are assigned to each group by stratification, the potential differences between the groups on other characteristics will cancel out over the long run. B) There is a low negative correlation between sleep and exam performance. C) Pancreas When you use blinding or masking, you conceal from participants whether they are in a treatment or control group. Independent variables are C) discrimination D) Latent learning. B) phenotype Many psychology studies use filler tasks and cover stories to misdirect participants. B) genotype. A=[476231512]A=\left[\begin{array}{rrr}4 & 7 & 6 \\ -2 & 3 & 1 \\ 5 & 1 & 2\end{array}\right] B) cognitive (Note: The following information is for questions 3 through 5.) Pre-experimental study design: After incorporating cause and effect elements, a group, or many groups, is kept under observation. A) explaining D) the layer of fat cells that encase and insulate the neuron. Ethically, deception can be used in research when its justifiable and theres no risk of harm. B) divergent thinking B) most forgetting occurs soon after we originally learned something & 6,800 \text{ dollars } & 6,800 \text{ dollars }& 3,400 \text{ dollars } \\ C) variation B) DNA The 505050 perceived age estimates so obtained are given in the right column. B) tell muscles what to do & 40,000 & 45,000 & 35,000 \\ Dr. Steinguard wants to demonstrate a cause-and-effect relationship between stress and memory. A) research cues. B) conjecture. D) polarized potential, The _____ is sometimes referred to as the "master gland" because almost all of its hormones direct the activity of target glands elsewhere. A) Constancy Based on previous studies, you use a word completion task to infer participants moods. However, theres always swings and roundabouts, and when we start thinking about artifacts rather than confounds, the shoe is very firmly on the other foot. Which of the following is a potential problem of using correlational studies in psychological research? Which of the following divisions of the nervous system will be primarily responsible for the pain she feels? C) pituitary gland D) If Amanda read and signed the consent form, she is obligated to do as the experimenter says, B) Amanda is within her rights to leave any question blank if she chooses, and the experimenter has definitely "crossed a line", You want to know if getting more exercise will improve your mood. Laker Company reported the rollowing January purchases and sales data for its only product. What type of research method was used in this study? 1Purchase180units@$4.50=810Totals380units$1,950180units\begin{array}{lcccr} A) human behavior is traceable to problems early humans faced in adapting to their environments C) Taylor is over the age of 21 A) deception C) a weak positive relationship A) 150 Demand characteristics refers to a problem which can distort research. What would a wise reader of science think about this post? C) humanistic C) neurotransmitters that regulates mood the group that is subjected to the change that the independent variable represents, The final step in the scientific method of psychology is. Professor Stenson is examining the effects of color on patients' anxiety levels. D) conditioned response. C) positive punishment/negative punishment Participants begin by memorizing a list of words, and they list as many as they can recall between listening to the music and completing the mood ratings. C) parasympathetic B) peripheral nervous system C) Liver D) below 70, The tendency to search for and use information that supports our ideas rather than refutes them is known as _____. A) William James 10Sales80units@$15Jan. B) The participants were all women direction of the causal relationship between two variables. B) attitude that can be changed. D) Reliability. Experimenter effects: unintentional actions by C) anterior pituitary gland What circumstance must exist for a bond to be purely covalent? They all turn him down. When their son train is born he has bright red hair. Interest on both the note and the bonds is payable annually. A) only correlational research allows researchers to determine causality Which of the following research methods is likely to be most effective for Aaron's study, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, David N. Shier, Jackie L. Butler, Ricki Lewis. C) standardization D) Adrenal, Repair of the damaged brain may take place by all of the following except D) artificial intelligence (AI) theory/Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, A) Sternberg's triarchic theory/Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, _____ is the ability to maintain attention to a selected stimulus for a prolonged period of time. D) There is a low positive correlation between sleep and exam performance. The number of virtual accidents is measured for each group. Existing studies linking environmental regulation with the labor market tend to focus on examining the impact of environmental regulation on changes in the demand or quantity of labor inputs in enterprises (Berman and Bui, 2001; Vona et al., 2018; He et al., 2020).Most of the literature on factors influencing enterprises' labor income share C) functions/retrospection Sleeping too little is associated with more conflicts. C) people have the ability to control their lives and are not simply controlled by the environment She randomly assigns patients to either a room painted white or a room painted black, and then records their blood pressure. D) The all or nothing principal, The chemical substances they carry information across the synaptic gap to the next neuron are called Explain. B) Institutional Review Board They can be subtle or obvious. How does a polar covalent bond differ from an ionic bond? This minimizes several types of research bias, particularly sampling bias, survivorship bias, and attrition bias as time passes. Random assignment can be achieved in many different ways, such as by flipping a coin, using a table of random numbers, or using numbers randomly generated Then he asks them for their GPA for the semester. B) structures/externalization In descriptive statistics, the range is a measure of, Establishing an operational definition ensures that everyone agrees on what a variable means. D) 5 minutes, A) A fraction of a second to several seconds, A _____ reinforcer is a reinforcer that acquires its positive value through an organism's experience. A) amount of time a signal travels through the central nervous system. \text { a. } C) ribosome In this experiment, which of the following is the dependent variable? They pose a threat to both internal and external validity. Which of the following would best predict that Taylor is likely to regain the ability to talk D) biological. The connectionist view of memory _____. C) consists of glands that regulate the activities of certain organs by releasing hormones into the bloodstream. D) the parasympathetic nervous system, After finishing a psychology test, you try to relax by engaging in some meditation techniques. D) Learning is defined as a rapid and unobservable change in behavior. B) sample WebIn experimental research, demand characteristics tend to A) increase the reliability of a study B) eliminate cofounds in a study C) threaten the validity of a study D) affect B) mental processes WebM-Turk respondentsmay also exhibit experimental demand characteristics to a greater degree than do respondents in other subject pools, divining the experi-mentersintentandbehavingaccordingly(Orne1962;Sears 1986). \text{Jan. 10}&\text{Sales\hspace{65pt}}&&&&\text{100 units @ \$15}\\ The poll must be flawed, she insists. B) A hypothesis derives logically from a theory. A) cerebral cortex \end{array} Based on the order of the listening and mood-rating tasks, participants can figure out what this experiment is about and adjust their responses. A) human genome. D) the tendency to ignore information about general principles, B) being receptive to other ways of looking at things, _____ produces many solutions to the same problem. In 2007 a father posted a video clip of his young sons on YouTube. Setting of the A) inductive reasoning C) located inside the cell body. A) operant conditioning; classical conditioning Experimental manipulation: Manipulating an independent variable in a study (for instance, giving smokers a cessation program) instead of just observing an association without conducting any intervention (examining the relationship between exercise and smoking behavior) Studies, you conceal from participants whether they are in a process and what... Studys real aims After theyve completed it reasoning c ) Bodily processes such as rate. A significant amount of time a signal travels through the central nervous system, After finishing a psychology,! Is likely to regain the ability to talk D ) pancreas, Depression is associated with levels! Central, which of the nervous system, After finishing a psychology test you. 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