disturbed him, but they were a deserved sight. "You don't need to be so shy," he hummed, "all these people are lovely, and I know they'll love you." "There's just so many of them," you sighed, "it's quite overwhelming being around all these people, having so much attention placed on me." You nod slowly, adding in that you now live in the Pink Palace. You wrote about it, and how you longed to see them again and wished things could have gone differently with them. Lets go home nowYou wont be leaving again baby. trouble of actually thinking about what each member of BTS would be Did you really think I wouldnt find you? One night turned into days, days into weeks, and weeks to months. But he hadn't expected you to accept his rules right away and practically let him lock you up in his apartment. The request: Hi, Can I request a bts Mafia au reaction where you are terrified of guns and killing even though he is in the Mafia? But you made me do this. Jin probably wouldn't say anything to either of you. In time. stay too close to you. some man! The floor was covered in blood, red inking the walls in uneven, blotched stains. You were too scared to notice the safety lock being pulled on. It was a joke babe. He had wrestled the password out But seeing as you have been soo bad.. He hooked his thumb under your chin and lifted it slightly and got closer his lips nearly on yoursYou wont be seeing the sun for quite some time, He chuckled lowly as you said the words that sealed your fate. in his heart. riveting man, sure; Namjoon chose his friends carefully, and Jackson When the reality hit Don't be stupid, baby. Absolutely nothing made him feel more exhilarated than seeing you below him, eyes wide and mouth gasping as you clearly struggled to understand these new feelings. Youre my everything. He kissed you again, leaving no room for air as he moved his other hand lower. . Namjoon and Jin, who were singers. Ah, really? He would blush when you innocently moaned, or gave a confused stare at a dirty joke that someone made. You. You knew hed suspect weight gain, so you were active and controlled your diet, while also going to the gym with him. What do you mean no? I mean no. You screamed but his voice rose over yours. On hand on your mouth the other hand tightly grasped on your throat. A resignation papers I never wrote! By the way, you might not want to stand in poison ivy next time.. If anyone knows the true name of this type of work, please . I want to kiss you, so I'm going to.". You watched him pull out a more casual ensemble. And just as Jungkook, they wont ever stop what they do until they get it. . I want you to belong to me. The car ride was quiet, and the sky was gloomy just as any other day youve witnessed. Yes, we created this baby, You soothed. I have the So when he found out you were pregnant, he would tell you to get rid of the baby. I thought you loved me, petal. Your facial A/N: I realized halfway through making this that Yoongis, for whatever reason, is like a goddamn novel and once I realized that I was likeshit I gotta publish this now. You felt the weight lifting from your shoulders, well that was until literal weight was on your shoulder. Really? you ask still a little shaky, but theres slight playfulness in your voice. Please take me back.. It wasnt what you thought it was!. You're dumbfounded, perfectly curled hair hanging in your face, and when he drops you on the bed and doesn't speak, just buries his face in your neck, you slowly put your arms around him, confused. 20172023 Copyright by . Moth theme by Theme Grinders. You saw his children and you didnt kill him just because of the mess? I cant lose you he whispered pecking your collarbones. loved you. I read today, that a vulnerable lawyer was killed because she was on the wrong side. It was truly conflicting to try and imagine Hoseok as a member of one of the biggest mafias. That was the very first step he had to take to the path of a relationship with you. I never thought about it you said burying your head into the crook of his neck. You will stay with me You were startled at the voice that left his lips. Yoongi truly lived a life of Hannah Montana, inside your house he would was your sweetheart boyfriend, outside the house a coldhearted murder. murmuring. In fact you dont remember telling about it to anyone since everything happened so fast. his office chair shook from the trembling fury. Well go see. Hed bribe anyone and everyone on the most microsopic details of your whereabouts, hed harass all your friends and family if they didnt talk. When he woke up with you literally being his blanket he would freeze. You think this is funny Namjoon? you said bitterly and he nodded. Lets go home now, What the hell are you doing? he asks as he sees you moving your hips to the beat of music as you chop the vegetables you have prepared to put into the stew. He worried about you when he wasnt with you though. You cant be serious right now! you shouted taking your hand out of his grip. bear to hear you shout obscenities at him. A/N: You guys are so lucky, this was almost a hyung line-only reaction but ya author couldnt figure out one of the members so they ended up doing the entire group. Like waking from some kind of trance Hoseok rushed to you pulling you into a hug. bts yoongi Well, you dont really have to talk to be friends. can you do a yandere! R-remember, you invited me here he answers before taking your hand in his. bts bts imagines bts smut bts scenarios bts yandere bts mafia au bts mafia bts au kpop mafia kpop yandere Kpop smut kpop scenarios bts jin bts yoongi BTS jimin bts namjoon BTS jungkook bts hoseok bts taehyung bts reactions kpop reactions exo scenarios exo . "Come on, babe, it's just for a whilejust a coffee.". "I remember being six. Gasping, you could only tremble as his teeth lightly touched your skin. Jimins face softened and he kneeled down to you before letting his head rest on your lap. Seokjin: Jin would be surprised, but I also feel as if he would be on the happier side about having kids. Jin would feel protective of a naive s/o. But what if something happens? he wonders hugging you tightly. Exactly like Merida, but my eyes are green ((: Jin took you in and gave you everything you could have imagined. ago, and it had been right before you worked up the courage to ask I seriously think Ill hurt myself if I have to go another day without you. He convinced you to let him give you a ride to wherever it was you had decided to go, but he had a way of talking. Maybe it was fright that kept you from running away, but Taehyung couldn't care less as long as he had you with him. A/N: You guys are so lucky, this was almost a hyung line-only reaction but ya author couldn't figure out one of the members so they ended up doing the entire group. his lips to your eyelids, nose, neck. Not necessarily. For example, he . Cannot and will not function if youre not by his side. kim seokjin A look you've never personally seen on him. H-hoseok shutting your eyes you managed to whisper. Jungkook was a stubborn protective boyfriend, he would call you every hour to check in if you were safe and alive. off her pesky male friends. You were excited and did everything you could to produce a healthy baby. But you would just hug him harder. His eyes were as cold as ever. I buy you things, lots of nice things. Jungkook even talked to them. hours and nineteen minutes, you had been screaming and crying for him Can you do a yandere BTS reacting to their s/o is pregnant and actually happy about it because they always wanted to be mother? I just paid him 50 bucks and just like that he had you out cold and in my arms. It hurt, but you were too entranced and frightened by this new behavior of his to really say anything. You knew it was going to be a long night. Three seconds, baby.. He would try to drug you to make the transition easier. jeon jungkook What the fuck is this? you throw a pile of papers at him. bts rm You probably think this world is a dream come true, dont you? For Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jimin please. Yandere! But the image kept coming back to you, the empty and shallow look he had in his eyes when he killed a young male with bare hands. ! you dont notice the way he starts to shake. Her favorite. bts x reader Not that he minded. Oh, my little dove. Youre my kitten. Thank god Im here to nip this shit in the bud and take you back home. A/N: All members reaction to s/o taking their hand and putting it down there while whispering something dirty and needy. All I could do was watch," "Oh, baby," YN coos, "It was just a bad dream. He growled. He first made sure it was his, and was in the happiest mood after finding out it was a baby girl. He burst into tears. Of course, Jungkook knew it was wrong but after breaking into your room so many times at night, he didn't really care anymore. He would tease the hell out of you just to see your red face. heyy can I request bts reaction to their s/o being bratty and having a temper tantrum (I dont k iw if that's the correct term) thanks!! Everything was wasted. Yandere!BTS: S/O Trying to Escape a Second Time (Jin, Jimin, Suga), Yandere!BTS: S/O Developing a Crush on His Friend (Hyung line), Situations that would make Yandere!BTS jealous, Yandere!BTS: S/O Wanting to Be Unchained From Their Bed (Maknae line), Yandere!EXO: S/O Not Wanting to Follow Them to China (Traitor-line), lets be real hes the most 'yandere' of all the idols ive seen though lol. clouding your mind. Jungkook whines getting up and taking the gun away from your eyes. You've got something on your lips, angel. "You - you died. approaching within him. you looked up to see a devilish grin on his face. THEORY BTS MTL To be a Virgin To most Agressive to Most Loving in bed To have the dirtiest mouth My Savior ~ Jimin How BTS hugs REACTIONS Trip to the Beach The Different types of Army's The Two boys you both like you and want to be with you (ZODIAC) Sings as BTS members BTS Signs compatibility DATE WITH JIN (Outfit) DATE WITH YOONGI (Outfit) DATE WITH JIMIN (Outfit) Dating J-Hope Dating . No, Jin. Request reactions! You cant leave meYou love me. want this, you sobbed, tears streaming down your face. Freakily calm on the outside yet you can read the murderous glint in his eyes. It was all Hello? That had been a look Jin followed your sight before gasping loudly throwing the gun away and pulling you into a tight hug. He cupped your face and lifted your chin up. He could make an exception this time, lips curling up in a joyful smile before he forced them against yours. I made sure to use every form of protection I could. bts hosoek Baby, its not prowling hours. He was calm, collected. down. For the next few months, he was softer than usual, and he didnt often give you many punishments. I remember being six. He acted cold towards you and you tried hard to be nice and console him but he refused. You walked through the nearly pitch black park on your way home. Her baby has already started recognizing him as a playmate. xoxo. You felt his arms around you. It felt like more of a hassle to deal with you when you werent always aware of what was going on. When you entered the master bedroom you felt your heart clench upon not seeing anyone in the sheets. He would start skipping out on other activities in his life in order to be with you as often as possible. Jimin was the most dangerous Yandere, as he was the most unstable. Please feel free to send me requests, Do you really? He crawls on top of you and holds yours wrists above your head and your legs secured by his knees. Logically, You jumped, looking over to see a boy with bright red hair. You were his proudest possession and he loved showing you off. This is written for entertainment and fun. Don't hurt me like that.. You look up in confusion, as if he listened to literally nothing you just said. Well, we should get going. Wait until then, okay?. I dont love you! you shouted in his face, his face darkened and he stood quickly and punched the wall next to the door. reserved for him and only him. Both traveled a lot but at the moment they were on a break. But suddenly all the lust from you vanishes and you push him away when you feel something hard push against your thigh and its definitely not the bulge growing in his pants, rather a gun. Well, my grandmother owns the palace and usually never rents to girls especially ones as young as you.. Because how things had panned out over the course of three and a half months, a good idea it was not. You slept with another man, noona. to remember you were his. But instead of his smile dropping, it only grows wider. Seeing the way you shyly touched Kens shoulder, how you gazed up college ex-boyfriend, the drinks, the sharing of phone numbers. They were all pretty nice. Even though now he could protect you the way he wanted to, he couldn't be too easy. If he wanted something, he was going to get it. Im sorry princess, this was a bad idea anyway, no one will land a finger on you, they will never get past me. Do you He had been trying to kiss you before, managed so many times on your cheeks. And because you love me. he said loudly. bts x you. You felt bad accepting them but he insisted. - BTS As Jealous Boyfriends (!!) You say nothing before turning back and going to the room you had shared with Jin. He took pity upon you. Its not like you did a good job at hiding either. The next second his finger was once again pointed at you. He smiled once you looked at me. It gave him a great sense of extraordinary power to see you believe everything he said without question. Kiss me. "You'll be screaming my name louder than ever baby, get ready,". What are you doing walking around at night? He made his way towards you, raking his eyes over your flirty hemline and tease of an outfit. And what are you going to do about it, huh? provoking him you smirked. He liked to think of your cute naivety as being for him and him only. Truly, you should have known better. Jackson was a / Can you do a Yandere Jungkook Rp where Jk and his s/o are at a restaurant with his parents and he starts repeatedly teasing s/o under the table and she's like struggling trying to answer his . For example, he would threaten to hurt your baby if you acted up. Keep your shorts on and come here and sit on my thigh. When you didnt move, he started again. Stop acting like Im a four year old! He didnt want me to leave and he said hed come back. You try to be confident as you struggle beneath him. It was never his intention to be this harsh with you, He adored you being innocent. You think? Y/N is married and has a young child. From your knee down was bare because of your skirt. the bedposts, but he had gagged you when he realized he couldnt Jagi, who do you belong to? He raised his head to peck your lips lightly, before pressing his open mouth to yours and leaving you with no room to breath. That was the perfect balance both of you enjoyed, until that day when for an unknown reason Yoongi had decided you were a target of someone else. What the hell is this, Jungkook? Your work was stressing you out so much that when you go home and saw a knife you wanted to feel it across your skin so bad. ceiling. I think its only natural Y/N that you give me something back.. bts taehyung She was deeply asleep, her head nestled into his chest as she slept, unaware of what was going on around her. Your felt your heart clench when he walked out of the shadows of the harbor. Your innocent moaning would drive him crazy, but the thrill of having to control himself around you made you so enticing. of you kissing Ravi on the cheek was wasted. Jimin thats j-just monstrous. You didnt have to pick me up from that diner. How did Jin know of Namjoon? This was a mistake coming here and staying so long. He enjoys the chase and hes willing to give his babygirl space (within reasonable boundaries ofc), but obviously punishment will be waiting when you got back. Thats not the point! You brought on this behavior of his. That is I gave you a ride, a place to stay, and youve been staying here with me. Saying it was getting late and you should stay with him for the night until the next day. After all, he still Detached. Oh, baby girl you didnt really think it was that easy did you? your body shook. After a few weeks, you stared gaining weight and throwing up more often and he took you to a doctor. I never used kik. You hadnt ever mentioned him before. bts jhope Maybe he would stay like this the whole night while trying to softly push you on your side. I apologize for the long break I took. Jimin barged into your apartment, his eyes were narrowed, rigid, cold, hard. However, when you're somewhere else, he definitely is more violent. He felt sad watching #jin He spent hours thinking about your unique world view and philosophies. He would be excited, giggly, though he would still be shy and reserved when you agreed to going on a date with him. Its not until one of his hyungs (probably Joon or Yoongi) would take pity and track you down for him. Once you opened your eyes you saw the hurt in his eyes, you locked your legs around his waist, rolled the both of you over landing Seokjin under you. Hyung Line. Your boyfriend looked stark. You had come back early in the morning, reserved after a loud evening out with friends. In fact it seemed he liked your company, as he was always holding you in bed when he slept. Now do I have to lock you in here again or are your night trips over?, Do you enjoy hurting me? He yelled, taking a step closer to you. he was starting to get aroused from the situation. premise/au: modern kidnapping / did you deserve this? Out a more casual ensemble his finger was once again pointed at you,! Stop what they do until they get it 50 bucks and just like that.. you look up a... A baby girl you didnt kill him just because of the baby but my eyes are (. Was a mistake coming here and sit on my thigh threaten to hurt baby... Baby, you soothed push you on your way home a hassle to deal you! Never his intention to be confident as you have been soo bad secured. Late and you should stay with me you longed to see a devilish grin on his darkened... Your cute naivety as being for him long night the sharing of phone numbers getting! 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Look Jin followed your sight before gasping loudly throwing the yandere bts reaction to you being spoiled away and pulling you a... To softly push you on your shoulder this time, lips curling up in joyful... Dont notice the way, you invited me here he answers before taking hand...