Background & Mission of LDC
Learning & Development Centre (LDC) was established in 2001 in the name of Research & Development Centre for Ethiopians in Britain (RDCEB) and was reformed in 2010 in the name of Learning & Development Centre (LDC).
The purpose for the establishment of the ‘old’ RDCEB in the early years of 2001 – 2010 was to address the immediate needs of Ethiopian refugees and asylum seekers in Britain.
The purpose for the reform of the new LDC in 2010 was to:
1. enhance & advance educational performance & attainment of disadvantaged ethnic minority children and young people regardless of their ethnicity, colour, religion and background in providing supplementary education, family support, advice & information provision;
2. build stable family and community that can create opportunities for children and young people in developing life skills, self-esteem, ethical & moral values, as well as care facilities in the community.
The vision of Learning & Development Centre (LDC) is to establish a long-life learning centre for disadvantaged children, young people and parents/families to have learning & training opportunities for community activities, supplementary classes, life skills and home-language lessons that enable them to reach their maximum potentials and have successful social and economic integrity in the wider society.
The principal aims & objectives of the new LDC is to:
- Develop supplementary education that enable LDC to advance & enhance educational performance and attainment of children & young people;
- Provide home-language lessons aiming to enable children & young people of Ethiopian origin to connect themselves to the Ethiopian heritage & identity and promote sense of integrity within the British society:
- Create better chances for life skills, physical activity (sporting and healthy eating habits) among children/young people to tackle poor health and be active in their future lives & careers;
- Build strong & stabile families and community aiming to develop & promote children & young people’s potentials/talents, self-esteem, ethical/moral and family values that enable them to empower themselves and play their role & responsibility in the wider society;