Curriculum classes

(Maths, English & Science) :

Background :

Huge demand for the curriculum core subjects (Maths, English & Science) has been growing fast among disadvantaged & ethnic minority parents & children since the last 20 years. Following the growing demand, several private & charitable tuition providers have been emerging to respond to the demands. However, low-income families/parents are not able to benefit from the tuitions provided by the private tuition providers, as they cannot afford to pay the tuition fees. The aim of our community-based Supplementary School is therefore to address the needs (gaps) of disadvantaged children that are from low-income families. If children have no good educational performance/attainment at the early age of their primary school, it will be difficult for them to be successful in their higher & further education as well as to have future employment opportunities.

Classes to be provided

LDC is providing the following three core subjects for 35 weeks per year at its own Supplementary School (Learning Centre).


Maths Class

·       Lessons in group based on Key stages (1, 2, 3 & 4) within the National curriculum,

·        One-to-one support with particular needs, homework and coursework,

·       Preparation of exam for GCSE (if they are in-need of it),

English Class:

·       Lesson is provided on a group or an individual basis. Pupils are classified on the basis of Key stages (1, 2, 3 & 4) or school year (Y1 – Y11).

·       One-to-one support with particular needs, homework and coursework

·       Preparation of exam for GCSE (if they are in-need of it),

Science Class:

·       Lesson is provided on a group or an individual basis. Pupils are classified on the basis of Key stages (1, 2, 3 & 4) or school year (Y1 – Y11).

·       One-to-one support with particular needs, homework and coursework

·       Preparation of exam for GCSE (if they are in-need of it).

Teaching Programme:

In the academic year of 2021/2022, Learning & Development Centre (LDC) provides core subjects: English, Maths & Science classes for disadvantaged children and youths. In order to sustain and maximise the children’s safety/security, teaching/learning quality of the supplementary education classes, Please look below  forv the programmes, timetables & code of conducts that have been in place.


Teaching procedures with number of teachers & pupils:

  • The Supplementary school classes are running in the normal situation for 1 session or 3 hours (10am – 13pm), while during the time of Covid restriction will be for 2 sessions or 4 hours (10:am –14:pm) (1st session (10 – 12pm) and 2nd session (12 – 14pm)

  • The Supplementary School accepts 15 – 20 pupils for each session and 30 – 40 pupils for the 2 sessions on a ‘first come and first serve’ basis.

  • To make sure this principle, the LDC Supplementary School will have a waiting list system.

  • The school has 1 lead-teacher, 3 senior teachers and 3 assistant/voluntary teachers. One teacher can teach 6 – 7 pupils at one or 2 class-desks.

  • Teachers should prepare their own lesson plans every week

  • Teachers should have their own notebook to record pupils’ progress and topics they cover, including their follow-up target lessons.

  • All pupils shall have progress-test at the end of each term as described below in the timetable.


  • All students and trainees are expected to register in the first term, however, any student or trainee who is not able to register in the first term may register at any time of the school year, if there is a place available.

  • If there is no place available, the student’s name is placed on the waiting list.

  • A registration or application form must be completed and signed by the students themselves or by parents or guardians if the students are under 16 years old.

  • It is the responsibility of both the students and parents/guardians to inform LDC of any change in circumstances: address, phone numbers, school etc.


Class Requirements:  

Learning & Development Centre has been making great efforts to provide effective and focussed teaching methods for users at the Saturday Supplementary School.  For the achievement of the planned actions, parents & carers are expected to ensure that their children bring the following educational materials to the Saturday Supplementary School Classes. 

  • Practice & revision books given by the Supplementary School

  • Supplementary School writing/exercise/note book

  • School home work (if they want to do it at the Supplementary School)

  • Pens & pencils.

These requirements are useful to increase the quality of services and identify the day-to-day progression of beneficiaries, as well as to incorporate the lessons of the Supplementary School into each student’s regular school lessons.   


Teaching/learning materials

The Supplementary School shall provide teaching & learning books and other materials for each class. Learners/children can buy or get such books /materials during their registration. Teachers should use the same books which have been approved by the LDC Management Team as teaching books and materials.


Attendance Procedures:


  • The Supplementary School class requires 90 -100% attendance in normal circumstances from each child or learner.

  • Children and parents are provided the Supplementary school procedures and timetables of the year, which show the dates, times and classes/subjects of the Supplementary School to help them plan and co-ordinate their learning activities of the year.


  • Learners must arrive before the start of classes.

  • Learners who make a practice of arriving late repeatedly will be given oral or written warning.


  • Parents/carers should inform the LDC Supplementary School office in advance, if they are not able to attend the class.

  • Except in exceptional circumstances, learners/children, who fail to attend regularly or more than three classes in a term, they will lose their places.

Assessment Procedures

Lead teacher/teachers have responsibility to monitor and keep records of each learners’ improvements in their performance on each learning activity through the following ways.   

Entry Assessment Test

Teachers are responsible to give entry assessment test to new learners and should have a record and clear understanding about their Supplementary class provision.

Homework & Class Exercise:  

  • Teachers should have a diary-book with a list of learners with their class level.

  • Teachers should give homework every week and learners have to do their homework at home.

  • Parents/carers should be responsible to help their children with their homework at home.

  • Teachers should check that the homework has been done at home, and mark it by giving the  right level or percentage.

  • The performance of classwork/homework results should be recorded in the teacher’s diary-book.

  • Class/homework results shall be counted towards 30% of the learners’ total result of each end-of-term progress assessment tests.


End-of-Term Test:

  • LDC believes that regular progress assessment test at the end of each term helps students, teachers and parents/guardians to measure any progress or improvement made to each student throughout the Supplementary School year.

  • Tests in each subject take place at the end of each term (Term1 = December, Term2 = March or April and Term3 = July).

  • Tests will be based on the work covered in classes.

  • Progression assessment tests’ results at the end of each term can count towards 70% of the total progress test results of the term.


Code of Practice:



  • LDC is community based on self-respect, co-operation and consideration for others. LDC also aims to project a positive image of all ethnic groups in general with great emphasis in working together and learn from one another. LDC students are therefore, expected to bear this in mind in their interaction with their teachers, fellow-students and the wider community.

  • Before and after classes, students are expected to help willingly in the setting-up/clearing-up process.

  • Students should not eat or drink during classes (including gum).

  • Students should do their best to ensure that their surroundings are kept clean and tidy. Litters should be put in litterbins.

  • Teachers can give students who engage in disruptive behaviour in class a verbal warning or ask them to leave the class and serve a punishment; a note will also be made in the student’s file.

  • If behaviour continues in a disruptive manner, a written warning will be issued to parents/guardians

  • If the above fail to end persistent disruptive behaviour, the second written warning will include a request for the student to withdraw from the Saturday School.

  • Once a student has signed in attendance register in the learning centre on Saturday, s/he must restrict her/his movements to the designated area only.


Food and Drink:

  • Students can bring healthy snacks and eat them only during break times.

  • Those who bring their own snacks should not share it with other students who suffer from food allergy.

  • Students are encouraged to have healthy foods and drinks.


Dress Code:

  • Students can wear their own clothes, not uniform. They should feel free to express themselves through their clothes, but should make sure they look decent. Any student wearing inappropriate clothing will be advised or warned in the first instance and sent home in the second count.

  • Students should remove their winter jackets in the classroom.




Lost Found:

  • LDC Saturday school is a community based on trust and honesty.

  • Students are expected to look after their communal property of the organisation and ensure that it remains safe and secure. Students must understand that writing or drawing on the tables & walls is not allowed.

  • Each student is responsible for looking after her/his belongings.

  • A student who has lost her/his own property should report the loss to the Coordinator or a teacher on duty.

  • If students or staff members find someone’s property, they should hand it over to the Coordinator or the teacher on duty.

  • LDC takes no responsibility for personal lost property. If any personal property is left behind and collected by LDC will be returned to the owner.

Progress Report:

  • The results of the progress tests and class performance of each term should be reported and explained to the students & parents/guardians by the teachers.

  • The overall progress results of the final school year shall be reported in the LDC Annual Report.



  • LDC Supplementary School can award encouraging prizes for students, who show good behaviour, attendance, progressive efforts in the class and good results in their class/homework performance and termly progression tests by the end of each Supplementary school year.

  • LDC Supplementary School can also consider special awards to selected staff members/teachers and volunteers for their outstanding performance and progressive efforts in all teaching & learning activities of the LDC Supplementary School.

Links with Students’ Regular Schools:

  • LDC provides educational services within the National curriculum.

  • LDC works as closely as its limited resources allow with other supplementary and local mainstream schools.

  • LDC may make written or telephone correspondence with student’s mainstream school, if parents request and the correspondence is important for the students’ educational improvements. However, personal information will not be discussed with the school.


Meetings and Events:

  • LDC holds meetings and events quarterly or annually.

  • The participants of the meetings/events can be teachers and parents who are important for consultation on the learning & teaching progress.

  • Events may include trips, sports, workshops, conferences, etc.

Learning Resources:

  • LDC Supplementary School provides all the required resources (practice/revision books and quiz papers) 

  • Students shall buy exercise/revision books from the Saturday school, if they can afford. Students must bring their books every Saturday and practise them during the learning sessions.

  • Students can use other books, if they are recommended by their mainstream schools. 


Safeguarding policies:

The LDC Board of Directors/Trustees make always sure that the Supplementary school’s best practice and policies have been in place. The Board also strongly supports Every Child Matter policy and make sure children are safe and happy and achieve their potentials. Main safeguarding policies and procedures have been summarised as follows.

  • Child protection policy

  • Health & safety regulation policy

  • Risk assessment policy

  • Equal opportunities policy

  • Public liability insurance for the Learning Centre

  • Up-to-date DBS for staff/tutors & volunteers

  • First Aid Kit with trained staff

  • Links with relevant authorities (Contact numbers of Camden Social Services, Police, Fire-brigade & Ambulance services)


Complaint Procedure:

  • If anyone wants to complain against his/her classmate shall first make a complaint to the teachers on duty.

  • If a complaint is against a teacher/volunteer, he/she can make it to the co-ordinator.

  • If a complaint is against the co-ordinator or is not dealt with your satisfaction, it can be addressed in writing to the LDC Board of Trustees. (For more details, refer to complaint policy and procedures)



  • LDC Supplementary School is committed to make regular communication with teachers, students and parents/guardians.

  • Important information, such as changes to the LDC programme, closing & opening school days and forth-coming events are communicated orally to students and text messages are sent to parents/guardians

  • Teachers and the Coordinator can communicate and discus with students and parents/guardians regarding their progression or difficulty by the end of each term or at any time if that is necessary.

  • Parents/guardians and students can contact the LDC Co-ordinator through telephone, text and email if they need any support or help.



  • LDC believes that evaluation & monitoring is vital to understand and measure any progress or improvement made to beneficiaries, as well as to learn from mistakes.

  • LDC needs to know what is going well and what is going badly. Feedback from students and parents/guardians really helps LDC Supplementary School to improve its services.

  • Students and parents are expected to fill in evaluation questionnaires at the end of each term, and particularly at the end of the school year. They are also encouraged to express their views & make comments during the completion of evaluation questionnaires.

  • Both positive and negative feedback are welcome, as they are useful to improve our future services.

  • Parents/guardians and students feel free to contact the Co-ordinator or designated person, if they are happy or unhappy with the services provided by the LDC Supplementary School

To register for Curriculum Classes  Visit our center.