Board of Directors/Trustees
As LDC is a registered charity and company limited by guarantee, the governance framework for the organisation is set out in the Memorandum & Articles of Association lodged with the Charity Commission and Companies House. LDC and its property is therefore, administered and managed by the Board of Directors in accordance with the rules set out in the Memorandum & Articles of Association. The Board of Directors/Trustees are elected by and accountable to the AGM of the registered community members.
Management Team (MT)
The management team is accountable to the Board of Directors/Trustees. The MT consists of two Trustees/Signatories and senior staff members who shall be delegated by the Board of Directors to implement the decisions and run the whole activities and services in accordance with the organisation’s rules, procedures, policies, job descriptions and the general employment laws by communicating or meeting on a monthly basis as necessary to discuss and assess the general and particular issues of the organisation. The discussion mainly includes the implementation of policies and strategies as agreed by the Board of Trustees. The MT is also responsible to recruit staff & volunteers and supervise, monitor and evaluate the whole delivery of activities & services, staffing matters, fundraising activities, working performances, etc. in consulting with staff members, beneficiaries, parents and stakeholders of the organisation.
Staffing & Volunteering
Staff members are recruited and employed based on their profession/qualification and delegated by the Board of Directors to implement the decisions /business plans by delivering the right activities and services in accordance with the organisation’s rules, procedures, policies and job descriptions. Staff members are accountable to the Management Team following the line managerial accountability. Capacity building training for trustees and staff members is an important part of the business plan to: a) achieve our goals and targets through skilled and experienced trustees and staff members, and b) a plan for developing the skills of the Board members and staff/volunteers.
The proposed projects have or need to have the following staff members:
- 01. 1 full-time Coordinator responsible for coordinating, managing, monitoring and fundraising activities & 1 part-time Admin & Finance Officer for the delivery of the whole proposed projects.
- 02. 4 sessional tutors for the Supplementary school project.
- 03. 3 sessional Volunteers/tutors for the Home-language project.
- 04. 1 sessional trainer for the Physical development with Healthy eating project
- 05. 1 sessional trainer for the Family support training course & drop-in advice.