Community service
Drop in advice support
Community Network:
Alongside our community support activities, LDC is working in partnership with the local community and voluntary organisations in Camden, such as Supplementary Schools Partnership in Camden (6 Community based organisations), Camden supplementary schools Forum, Young Camden Foundation (YCF), National Resource Centre for Supplementary Education (NRCSE) and Voluntary Action Camden (VAC).
Working in partnership with the local partner organisations in the last academic year is extremely beneficial for LDC to increase the quality and sustainability of its activities & services. Working in partnership is also important to share information & good practice and to ensure that the supplementary school provision in Camden have a positive impact on the educational performance & attainment of disadvantaged children & young people by promoting positive attitudes to their educational achievements.
Drop-in Advice & Information Session
Alongside the Curriculum, Home language and Extracurricular activities, LDC staff and volunteers provided drop-in advice, information and Community activities (events, consultation meetings) throughout the academic year. The drop-in advice & information session is accessible to parents, young and vulnerable people who are in need of such services.

For more infromation on Drop-in Advice Contact us by Clicking get intouch today.