Extra-Curricular Activities:

Why physical activity & nutritional education is needed for children/young people?

Physical activity & healthy eating lesson is extremely needed to address unhealthy eating & obesity/overweight among children and young people which is becoming a growing concern, particularly in the BAME communities. Childhood obesity is closely linked to parental and family influence. Extrapolation of current national obesity trends show that by 2015, 36% of males and 28% of females could be obese and by 2025 this could rise to 47% for males and 36% for females.

NHS Information Centre shows that Camden Reception children are more overweight when compared to London and England rates (Camden 13.6%, London 12.4%, and England 13.1%). The rate of overweight and obesity for Camden Year 6 children is getting worse. As the data of 2012 from the Camden Health Practitioners (GPs) shows, Black ethnic minorities are 71% more likely to be obese and 15% more likely to be overweight compared to the Camden average

The top benefits of physical activity & nutritional education are: 

  • Improve your memory and brain function.

  • Protect against many chronic diseases.

  • Aid in weight management.

  • Lower blood pressure and improve heart health.

  • Improve your quality of sleep.

  • Reduce feelings of anxiety and depression.

  • Combat cancer-related fatigue.

Physical activity:

  • Football, tennis & physical fitness

  • Sporting activities: swinging, climbing & racing activities.

Nutritional education and Healthy eating & dietary lessons

  • Provision of healthy meal to those eligible for FSM

Artistic & Entertaining Activities:

  • Creative activities: painting, drawing

  • Poem, songs & general knowledge quiz

Delivery Time:

Physical-development activity with Healthy eating lesson is running in-door and outdoor during Half terms (4 hours/w), Christmas (16 hours/w), Easter (16 hours/w) and summer holidays (16 hours/w and 16 days per month).

To Register for Physical Activities and Healthy Eating lessons, Contact the center.